Non-academic presentations and other public scholarship

Emily’s presentations are dialogic and interactive, incorporating humor, story-telling and music to engage audiences. Topics span from sacramental theology to liturgical ministry to the spirituality and symbolism in popular culture, and workshop content can be catered to particular needs. Emily’s new media production experience makes her comfortable and well-equipped for any virtual format.
Presentations of note
Below are a list of some of Emily’s past presentations (please see the Publications page for Emily’s academic conference presentations).
“Midi-chlorians: From a Certain Point of View,” presentation for Center for Science and Industry (COSI)’s After Dark: Hive of Scum and Villainy event, August 2022

“Pastoral Lessons from Fr. Clarence Rivers,” live breakout session for the 45th annual National Pastoral Musicians Association national conference, July 2022 (with Eric T. Styles)
“Get Literary With It: Discerning Strong Liturgical Texts,” on-demand breakout for the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, July 2021
“Harry Potter and the Sacramental Principle,” 2-night virtual event for the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, May 3 and 10, 2021
“Selecting Music for Liturgy with Theological Savvy,” breakout session for the 43rd annual National Pastoral Musicians Association national conference (virtual conference), July 7, 2020
“Dwell in the Word: Formation for Lectors and Psalmists,” presented together with Fr. Paul Colloton, OSFS, DMin, as a virtual 2-night workshop, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, May-June, 2020
“The Paschal Mystery” for RCIA at Immaculate Conception Parish, Dayton OH (annually, 2009-2021)
“Liturgical Minister Morning of Renewal,” St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish, Zionsville, IN, September 2019
“Most Holy Exchange: Hymns, Prayers, Poetry of Advent,” St. Helen Parish, Dayton, OH, December 2018
“Lent as Transformational,” St. Alphonsus Liguori Parish, Zionsville, IN, February 2018
“The Song in our Hearts: the Christian mystery in popular entertainment,” St. Charles Parish, Lima, OH, February 2016
Professional development day for Staff on Liturgy, St. Mary Student Parish, University of Michigan, August, 2015
“Sacrosanctum Concilium 50 Years Later,” Immaculate Conception Parish (Columbus) Liturgical Conference, 2013
“Eucharist as a Family Meal,” Parish Mission at Corpus Christi/Our Lady of Mercy/Queen of Martyrs Parishes, Dayton OH, 2012
“Harry Potter and the Sacramental Imagination” for Perspectives on Faith and Life series at the University of Dayton, 2011
“Change and the Christian Life” at St. Mary Parish, Hyde Park (Cincinnati) in anticipation of the new Roman Missal, 2011
“Harry Potter and the Paschal Mystery” for Dayton Theology on Tap, 2008 and Beavercreek ToT, 2011
“Still Freeing the Spirit: on the Liturgical Legacy of Fr. Clarence Rivers” for the Rev. Joseph M. Davis, SM annual lecture for Black Catholic History Month, University of Dayton, 2009